Thursday, August 14, 2008

Say what?

Here's another new regular segment I plan to have, inspired by the nightly innuendo passed around the office. I usually try not to go too far, but here, it's a lot easier, right?

I'll just let the reader figure where I am going with these.

Tonight's installment comes from Saints defensive tackle Hollis Thomas, who injured his arm in practice and could be out for the season.

Thomas said: "It was a move, and I was trying to basically dismount from the move."

My question is what was the move and what was he trying to dismount from? Sounds like my two dogs (read Monday's blog if you don't know what that means).

Part two: The headline to a story in today's A-section reads, "Officials welcome three sex offenders"

I can hear it now ...

Official: "Welcome John Q. Rapist and friends. Come on in, little Susie on Oak Street is waiting for you."

Are you kidding me?

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